Anson Justi - Climate Policy and Impact Analyst

Anson Justi joined the Maryland Public Service Commission in 2022 as a regulatory economist. In this position, he worked on electric rate design, return on equity, and electric vehicle policy. Since 2024, Anson Justi has served the Maryland Public Service Commission as a climate policy and impact analyst. In this position, he works on climate policy topics such as offshore wind energy, battery energy storage, and resource adequacy.

After securing a bachelor of arts in economics and applied mathematics and statistics from Macalester College, Anson Justi found employment as a public polling research analyst in Washington, DC. He subsequently attended graduate school at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), earning a master of science in environmental policy and management.

While working toward his master’s degree, Anson Justi worked on research projects for several organizations, including the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy. He also served as a teaching assistant for the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy.


Anson Justi
Columbia, MD US